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Low libido care at Wellest with Kathy Kates, NP

Are you and your partner’s desires mismatched?

Are you struggling with low desire?

Low libido in the reproductive years, the perimenopausal years, and menopausal years is REAL. You are not alone.

The solution is multifactorial:

1. A conversation with your primary care provider (pcp) or gynecologist (GYN) 2. Possibly a referral to a sex therapist (certified by the American Society of Sexuality Educators ASSECT) 3. Prescription help

There are 3 prescription options available.

Addyi or flibanserin: FDA approved for premenopausal women with HSDD (hyopactive sexual desire disorder) and totally fine for menopausal women too.

Vyleesi or bremelanotide: FDA approved for premenopausal women with HSDD (hyopactive sexual desire disorder) and totally fine for menopausal women too.

Low dose testosterone: FDA approved in Australia- lots of unwarranted fear in the US about prescribing. The International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Heatlh (ISSWSH) has a position statement on the use of testosterone to help low libido.

Reach out to Kathy Kates, a nurse practitioner AND pelvic floor therapist. She can do a virtual consult to see if you are a candidate for prescription medication for low libido. If you’re in the Boston area, you’ll do a virtual consult first, and then come into the clinic for an in person examination.

You’re not alone, there is NO shame and there IS help!

Kathy Kates, FNP


Curious if pelvic floor physical therapy could help you? Get in touch!

Wellest Integrative Health

Park Square Building  l  31 St James Ave #805  l  Boston, MA 02116

For new patient inquiries call: (857) 246 8234  

Fax: (857) 425 1846 


Hours: M-Th: 7am to 7pm  l   F: 7am to 5pm

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